Clotho & Frigg Sewing Studio

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Midnight Special

“Do you still have that Adventure Time fabric?”

It was after midnight, the middle of a late night that started out on the town. My husband and I had taken his brother (hereafter referred to as my brother as I have no siblings of my own) to a show downtown.

Afterwards, I really wanted to sew. But given the late hour and my level of fatigue, I didn’t want to work on the dress I started. That’s how big, bad mistakes happen.

But a little project? That was feasible!

I bought the previously mentioned yard of Adventure Time quilting cotton for my bro about a year ago, but I didn’t know what to make with it. I hauled it out of my stash, presenting it to him for assessment.

He asked for a bag or perhaps a bandana. Then he said something I know we all think when it comes to special fabrics, “I’d feel like I was wasting it if I just had a bandana…”

The bag he requested was a variant of a fanny pack- a secure pouch with a flap that could be hooked onto his belt.

He gave me his phone and wallet so I could measure them to size the bag.

Surprisingly, I designed and finished this bag in about 2 hours! In the middle of the night!

I cut 7″x10″ rectangles for the shell, lining, and flap. For the lining, I used some blue linen scraps. The pouch closes securely with a zipper.

The flap got trimmed down to more like 6″ x 9″ and I rounded the bottom corners. I interfaced the outer flap.

I made 2 large belt loops that attached to the back. They’re not super even, but they are double stitched on and should hold. I managed to make them look different, despite the pieces being exactly the same.

What’s even better is I have enough left over (exactly half) to make the bandana. I can’t decide on a machine stitched baby hem or a hand rolled hem.

My brother loves it. He used it the very next day 😊

I think I need one, too!