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Delightful Teas for Cozy Sewing

I love hot beverages! Tea and coffee especially, and I love having a hot bevvy to drink while I craft. Here’s my top recommendations for creativity-boosting teas.

clear glass bowl with brown liquid
Photo by Olenka Sergienko on

Most of the herbs on this list can be bought in tea bags, ready to steep. You can also add them to your regular tea, as they are components of tea flavors. Green tea is a perfect base for experimentation. Many of the herbs listed below can be combined with green tea!

Green Tea offers a wealth of benefits but, for crafting specifically, it is known to improve focus and boost brain functions. It’s packed with antioxidants, too!

Ginger improves reaction time and working memory; it’s great in green tea, combine it with turmeric for a super charge!

Peppermint decreases stress and improves mood. It’s also an antioxidant, helps with digestion, and is great with green tea. You can buy peppermint tea bags ready to steep, or add peppermint leaves to another tea variety. If you’re using fresh leaves, be sure to crush them with your fingers to release the essential oils before steeping!

Chammomile is famously calming and soothing, for times when you might be feeling the stress. Chammi may make you sleepy so watch those fingers! It combines well with lemon, honey, and lavender. My favorite store bought variety is Honey and Vanilla Cammomile tea from Twinnings.

Lavender is another great herb for relaxing and de-stressing. It’s especially potent as an aromatic, so give your lavender tea a good sniff before you sip to maximize the benefits!

aromatherapy beautiful blooming blur
Photo by Palo Cech on

Lemon/Lemon Bergamot Tea is immune boosting, detoxifying, and tasty! A couple drops of lemon juice can be added to green or black teas with little issue. Bergamot tea is what gives Earl Gray tea its unique flavor.

Black tea – for when you want to get stuff done! Goes very well with lemon and honey. Any of the herbs and flavors above could be paired with black tea! Have fun and experiment with flavors you like.

Honey is perfect for sweetening bitter teas. I love plain tea, and I make it strong. However, if that’s not your preference, honey is a great way to sweeten up bitter teas and make them more palatable.

Coffee means turbo time! I usually have a cup or two every morning. One of my fave things to do is start sewing early in the morning with my cuppa Joe!

Workspace Tips

Keep your cup elevated or away from your work area. You could spill your tea, yes, but you will also get little bits of fuzz from the fabric in your tea! Yuck!

Take a moment or two to breathe in the tea vapors, as many of them have aromatic effects, too, especially the herbal teas!

You can grow many herbs at home, whether you have a garden or a windowsill! I have peppermint planted outside, with chammomile and lemon bergamot seedlings growing in my kitchen. I can’t wait to start making my own creativity boosting teas!

What are your favorite drinks to enjoy while crafting? Leave me a comment below!

Thanks for reading <3
