24 of 31 days down! Surprisingly (to me) I have yet to repeat a whole outfit. Some super-star pieces (looking at you DD Lupin jacket) are doing repeat performances, but I’m so okay with that!
It’s been seasonably warm this week and my dresses are up for the task!
I love marking my skill progress, which usually happens when I successfully complete a task (i.e. attaching a collar, stitching a hem) but MMM opened my eyes to my short-cutting ways of the past: not fully stitching my facings down!
These days, I stitch them all around the edges by hand with a herringbone stitch. But I’ve been pulling older garments out recently where the facings are just tacked in. Tacked in! They flop and threaten to expose themselves constantly. I’ve started fixing them in the evenings while I watch TV. 2019 me simply can’t abide by that nonsense.
Anyway, onto the looks!
Sunday, Day 19, was a lounge-wear repeat.
Only one more week to go! Thanks for reading <3