Mercury is in retrograde, and the world is generally awful right now, so we can all use a little magic in life.
My favorite kinds of magic are the everyday ones, where you don’t realize you’re doing magic at all.
Here’s my list of ways to find, and sometimes make, a little magic without buying a bunch of crystals. (although I really like crystals, too)
5 Ways to Craft Everyday Magic
1. Pay attention to the little things – “The little things” are the hidden beauties – like flowers growing in an alley or a silvery airplane glinting high in the sky. They can also be literally little, like if you see a cool bug or a spider (at a safe distance, of course).
2. Sing and dance – Music can affect us in profound ways. Put on your favorite music and relish it. Sing along, get up and dance, and follow whatever the music stirs within you.
3. Spend time with animals – Spend some time with your pets, playing with or petting them. They will appreciate you, and you’ll feel the love of your familiars. If you don’t have pets, you can volunteer at a shelter or ask your friends if you can pet their dogs.
5. Get up-close with a plant – We are part of nature, even if we live in a city. Making time to connect with nature, whether in a park, a garden, or a window box, is good for the soul! Touch something green or smell a flower for some plant magic.
6. Wear your favorite clothes – I’m a firm believer in clothes magic. Wearing something you love brings so much joy. Clothes can transform your mood and how you feel about yourself. Explore your closet for spells to cast!
I hope you start seeing magic all around you <3
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